Land up in the Hills of Orkney


Scotland’s Specialist Plant Nurseries
Portal site. Some of the nurseries listed here are also in my index. More to discover.

BlueBell Nursery - Home Page
Good site. Specialists in rare trees and shrubs, also carry wide range of herbaceous, grasses and fruit trees and shrubs.

Buckingham Nurseries Online
Very good website. Rare Hostas, rare ferns, wide range of hedging and ornamental trees. Check them out before spending elsewhere.

Desirable Plants - Site Map
Not a functioning commerce site but well worth the effort for unusual and interesting plants. Download the pdf catalogue and order form for use.

Fernwood Nursery - Sempervivum,
Specialists in Houseleeks (Sempevivums), offering very good deal on larger purchases. Worth visiting if you like these unusal hardy suuculents.

Four Seasons perennials
Huge range, professional site. Expensive mail charges mean you will need to place a biggish order to justify the cost.

Hardy’s Cottage Garden Plants
Well organised professional site with over 1200 species available. Very useful if you are looking for a specific plant or genus.

Specialist in grasses, sedges and rushes. Watch out Jane, this site could cost you a lot of dosh.

Hostasonline - Hosta Specialists,
What it says. 200+ Varieties, simple but effective site.

Peonies, bare rooted supplied in the autumn. Also Iris and Tree Peonies.

Lamberton Nursery
Scottish nusery specialising in alpines, rock garden and woodland plants. Lots of new plants and a very good site. Well worth the time to study and visit regularly.

Lingen Nursery and Garden
Huge range, national collection of Iris Sibirianca. Good modern site, if a little cumbersome. Exellent if you know what you want.

Penlan Perennials
Gem of a nursery. Divided into sections very useful for Orkney. Bogside, Ferns, Grasses. Great stuff, easy to navigate.

Pottertons Nursery
Situated in the North of England they specialise in alpines, shrubs, conifers and bulbs. Well worth a visit. Good modern well organised website.

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