the last three weks has seen about 2 of the five days work left in the byre done, so maybe another two weeks (?) before its all finished. Shower room is the main item, tiling nearly completed, loo and sink about to be plumbed in.
Brian remains off sick, hopefully he will be back in a week or so.
We had the best October weather I can remember, so lots of good things achieved outside. Started winter tree plantings, hazel, hawthorne, swedish whitebeam, alder and broom, about 500 or so in total. Bulit second raised bed in veggie garden, moved, divided and planted lots of herbaceous stuff for next year.
November seems to be returning to expected cold and wet conditions but a few more good weeks would be of great benefit.
Quite well generally. Tom is becoming a question mark; not really sure what is going on in his head. Great bird outing last Sunday. Weather blissfully beautiful, Burray and South Ron, fantastic.
pipi pip for now.
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