June 20th 8.55 pm first guests arrived at East Heddle.
After 6 years its done.
Ends at EH. I will take some photos. Lost the architect (fired), took dowm more stone, watched big vehicles do stuff. Good start all in all.
Brother Jonno arrives this afternoon, long journey from Ashland, Oregon ends here at 3pm. Will be very good to see him.
Weather has been extraordinary, no rain for three weeks, loads of Sun and warm as well. Set to continue but cooler. Best May since 2003, that’s certain. Makes tree planting very difficult as cannot do it out of hose range until proper rain is forecast. Working very hard, getting things done, apart from Brian who has gone AWOL again. Very irritating.
It began. Just Terry and me, hardcored and scalped the interior floor of East Heddle. The first day that finally stuff is going into EH rather than out. It has started.
Last week Tom and I removed the last section of wall that had to come down and moved the last flags out. The builders are coming…