Land up in the Hills of Orkney


The Blog starts again. Together with the reorganised website this blog will be given a greater profile and I will be back on a regular basis. Not entirely sure how its going to develop but I guess we will see.

Today I am mainly recovering from a series of late nights from the magnificent Blues Festival last weekend added to a small dinner party last night which turned into another late one. Good to see the Sun again after a series of dreek days but not so good to be a bit too feeble to make the best use of it !

Off to OrkneyRocks ! Choir practice and then an OLAF meeting shortly. We did manage a lovely walk at lunchtime around Hobbister and I guess I better take them out again before I go into town.

Seems that my life is at a crossroads. One path leads to most of what I have always wanted, the other back into the unknown dark lands, certainly not where I want to go. The positive future is wonderful, tantalising and coming into focus. Cross your fingers for me !


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