Land up in the Hills of Orkney


Flew down for my brother’s 5oth birfday with Lorraine on the 17th, back on the 21st. Had a game of golf at Sunningdale on the 18th, old times. Wasn’t totally useless for a retired golfer, last time was three years ago. Two pars, one birdie, one big drive. Short game sound and putting pretty good, but no real desire to play again.

That evening went to IMAC cinema at Waterloo. Absolutely incredible. Saw Rolling stones documentary. Mick Jaggers face 60ft high is a bit like the grand canyon, Keith Richards face at that scale like a post apocalyptic wasteland. This morning they have gone to church, i am having a lazy Sunday, then Indian Lunch; hooray ! it will have to last a long time but real Indian food ! Can’t wait.

May go to RMS golf club later on to see if any one is about.

Brian has held the fort back at Heddle, hopefully all is OK.

Big place, London.

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