Land up in the Hills of Orkney


So, february already. Time goes so fast.

Ma seems to be recovering well and has almost given up the zimmer; we bought a new car which should be here next week. Not sure exactly about letting her drive it though…..

Had an interesting bump on the track; visitorkney refused to take the link advert coz the site had one reference to this site (the main site not this blog). They don’t like my icons here, apparently; removed the link and is ok now but i was a bit surprised.

Land up in the hills is going to get a major overhaul soon and i will have to consider the butts, but they are a harmless appreciation of the female form i think they will stay…

The next phase of worry (East Heddle) will start in about six weeks, some things still to be resolved but i think things are under control, sort of…..

Tom has moved out, maybe for the best I suppose thats up to him i have done all in my power to help. Working very hard on the orkneycroftys site which i truly believe will be fantastic when fully functional and content rich. Using Adwords which is interesting; will have a bevvy when the first booking arrives.

Very Fat. Fattest ever in fact. Difficult to break as i have to cook for Ma but somehow i have to; running out of clothes which fit !

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